Wednesday, December 29, 2010

java RMI

Making the Remote Service
Step one: Make a Remote interface
  • Remote interface should extend java.rmi.Remote interface

  • Declare that all methods throw a RemoteException as every remote call is considered risky

  • Arguments and return values of remote methods must be either primitive or serializable(Strings, arrays, collections etc), if passing self defined types be sure to implement serializable interface to the class.

  • Step two: Make a Remote Implementation
  • Implement the Remote interface created earlier.

  • Extend java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject to the class

  • As the super class UnicastRemoteObject's constructor throws a Remote Exception it is necessary to write a no-arg constructor that declares a Remote exception in our class.

  • To make available the remote service to clients register the service with RMI registry

  • Step three: Generate Stubs
  • Compile java files

  • Runrmic on the remote implementation class. To do this use the following command: rmic MyRemoteImplementation. This will create MyRemoteImplementation_Stub.class which is going to be the client helper.

  • Step four: run rmiregistry
  • Open a new terminal and goto the directory where your class files reside using command cd

  • Start rmiregistry using following command: rmiregistry

  • Step five: Start the service
  • open a new terminal and run the service following way: java MyRemoteImplementation

  • Server Code
    Remote interface
    import java.rmi.*;
    public interface MyRemoteInterface extends Remote{ //step 1.1 
    public int doCalc(int a,int b) throws RemoteException; //step 1.2 & step 1.3
    Remote service
    import java.rmi.*;
    import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
    public class MyRemoteImplementation extends UnicastRemoteObject implements MyRemoteInterface {//step 2.1 & 2.2
     public MyRemoteImplementation() throws RemoteException {} //step 2.3
     public int doCalc(int a,int b){  
      int result=a+b;
      System.out.println("Returned the result= "+result+" to client!");
      return result;
     public static void main(String args[]){
      MyRemoteInterface service=null;
      try {
       service = new MyRemoteImplementation();
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
      try {
       Naming.rebind("welcome", service); //step 2.4 and be sure to give a name without spaces
      } catch (RemoteException e) {
      } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    Note: Server should have following three classes to work.
  • MyRemoteInterface.class

  • MyRemoteImplementation.class

  • MyRemoteImplementation_Stub.class

  • How client works?
    Note: Client should have following three classes to work.
  • MyRemoteInterface.class

  • MyRemoteClient.class

  • MyRemoteImplementation_Stub.class

  • Client does a lookup on the RMI registry and RMI registry returns the stub object. Stub pretends to be the real service and let client invokes the method in it.
    Client Code
    import java.rmi.*;
    public class MyRemoteClient {
     public static void main(String args[]){
      new MyRemoteClient().getResult();
     public void getResult(){
       MyRemoteInterface service=(MyRemoteInterface)Naming.lookup("rmi://");//Client does 
    //the lookup on the RMI registry
       int result=service.doCalc(1,2);
       System.out.println("hello I got the result "+result);
       }catch(Exception e){



    1. Who still uses RMI today? Or even stuff like CORBA, except maybe in legacy software;
      Nice tutorial, but except for students I don't see what use do you make of RMI today!

    2. @Sandeep : Thank you... :-)

      @Sam: Yes agree with you... This is solely for the purpose of study... :-)

    3. What technology to use to communicate between 2 JVMs if RMI is not the one?

    4. @myTechInfo: If you communicate between two JVM I think RMI is a good option since interoperability won't be an issue... But communication between two frameworks like .NET , java you can probably go for web services... Plus web services provide ease of programming, flexibility, modularity and interoperability...
