When a user makes a request to drupal through a browser, using the request URL drupal menu system decides which callback function to invoke.
what is a callback function?
Callback function in this case is a php function which gets called when a user trying to access a path that has already been registered in a menu item.
In the given example-1 if a browser makes a request using the URL "http://example.com/hello", menu system will look for a menu item which contains that path and invokes the relevant callback function in this case, "hello()".
<?php //hook_perm implementation function example_perm() { return array( 'access hello' ); } //hook_menu implementation function example_menu() { $items = array(); //menu item $items['hello'] = array( 'title' =--> t('hello' ), 'page callback' => 'hello', 'page arguments' => array( 0 ), 'access arguments' => array( 'access hello' ), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK); return $items; } //callback function function hello() { echo "hello!"; } ?>
Output for example-1
This example shows how to get city data in json or xml using a request URL.
<?php //hook_perm implementation function example_perm() { return array( 'access hello' ); } //hook_menu implementation function example_menu() { $items = array(); //menu item $items['hello'] = array( 'title' => t('hello' ), 'page callback' => 'hello', 'page arguments' => array( 0 ), 'access arguments' => array( 'access hello' ), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK); $items['full_city_list_json'] = array( 'title' => t('City List JSON' ), 'page callback' => 'full_city_list_json', 'page arguments' => array( 0 ), 'access arguments' => array( 'access hello' ), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK); $items['full_city_list_xml'] = array( 'title' => t('City List XML' ), 'page callback' => 'full_city_list_xml', 'page arguments' => array( 0 ), 'access arguments' => array( 'access hello' ), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK); return $items; } function hello() { echo "hello!"; } function full_city_list_json() { $response = array(); $result = db_query("SELECT tid,name FROM term_data WHERE vid=2 order by name ASC"); while ($city_data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $response[$city_data->name]['city_name'] = $city_data->name; $response[$city_data->name]['tid'] = $city_data->tid; } if (!empty($response)) { //encodes city data as json $jsonstrCityList = json_encode($response); echo $jsonstrCityList; } else { return false; } } function full_city_list_xml() { //sending city data as xml $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0"); $root_elm = $dom->createElement("markers"); $root = $dom->appendChild($root_elm); $result = db_query("SELECT tid,name FROM term_data WHERE vid=2 order by name ASC"); while ($city_data = db_fetch_object($result)) { $marker_elm = $dom->createElement("marker"); $marker_node = $root->appendChild($marker_elm); $marker_node->setAttribute("name", $city_data->name); $marker_node->setAttribute("tid", $city_data->tid); } header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo $dom->saveXML(); } ?>
Outputs for example-2
for http://example.com/full_city_list_json
for http://example.com/full_city_list_xml
<markers> <marker name="Agalawatta" tid="156"/> <marker name="Ahungalla" tid="214"/> <marker name="Akurana" tid="164"/> <marker name="Akuressa" tid="162"/> <marker name="Aluthgama" tid="120"/> <marker name="Ambalangoda" tid="125"/> <marker name="Ampara" tid="211"/> <marker name="Anuradhapura" tid="46"/> <marker name="Arugambay" tid="114"/> <marker name="Avissawella" tid="212"/> <marker name="Badulla" tid="108"/> <marker name="Balangoda" tid="149"/> <marker name="Balapitiya" tid="486"/> <marker name="Bandarawela" tid="197"/> </markers>
As in example-2 after you grabbed the city data in json or in xml you can parse them and use in any of your applications.
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